I've created a few usergroups according to the Clans you're all in...well just 2 clans so far.
I have the Mandalorians, and the Horsemen.
Being that Iron Mike isn't here....at least I don't think he's on this forum...I made Madcrush the Moderator of that group. Being that it is Madcrush...I made the group color green. Madcrush will need to add the members accordingly. The memberslist has everyone's names...so you can look thru it and see who is here, and add them.
Mandalorians are a dark Blue. I have already added all Mandalorians here.
I also made Steelclaw now the new Moderator of the Autobot group.
If you would like me to make a group for you...just ask. I will need a color as well.